Showing posts with label surgery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label surgery. Show all posts

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Keep your Kohl!

Kohl (hollyoaksrocks*) is now hospitalised and safe thanks to a team of medics whom found her after this photo of her circulated around tumblr;

The image was captured by a passanger in a car on it's way to Vegas. It shows Kohl stood at the side of the road after a fatal car crash that could have potentially killed her!

 When the police and ambulance arrived, the car was completely upside down and Kohl was laying at the side of the road unconscious.

She has been submitted to ECO Hospital for major facial reconstruction surgery and no other information has been released as of yet.

-Hot News

Thursday, 24 May 2012

In DDenial

After Doll Daily newspaper featured this close-up photo of Dollywood's most controversial transgendered train wreck, Jack (freeduck___), major uproar occurred

The photo was snapped by a member of the Doll Daily team whilst Jack was browsing the rails in "Antidote" last week, wearing only a black strapless bra and hot pants.

Rumours went flying that Jack had extensive surgery including breast enhancement, liposuction around the neck and chest area, and even a chin augmentation! Whenever anyone asked Jack for his side of the story he simply stated "No comment". But, his partner of seven months, Mairin (loveshorses5) gave her say to why Jack's torso looked tweaked; "He's been suffering from many personal issues lately" she whined to reporters "He's lost a lot of weight very quickly and things aren't really going well right now". That doesn't really explain why his assets have gone up a cup size, but we should really give Jack the benefit of the doubt I suppose.

Later that day, Jack posted on his Tumblr blog that he would be appearing on "Gladis" (the new talk show hosted by Gladis (DingyFeathers) later this week and will reveal all about the rumours of his surgery.
